Extending the Content Pipeline
17 Sep 2021
With an understanding of how the content pipeline works, we are ready to move on and create a simple extension to the content pipeline.
In this tutorial we will make an extension that reads in simple level files.
Ultimately, we will be able to use a command like Content.Load<Level>("level4");
and read in our level.
Of course, the level information in this tutorial is fairly simple, but it is designed to show you the process of making a content pipeline extension.
Managing Content (Again)
17 Sep 2021
You have probably already gone through this tutorial in the Getting Started tutorials, so you can jump ahead if you want, or feel free to review this tutorial. This tutorial covers the basics of working with content in an XNA game.
How the Content Pipeline Works
8 Sep 2021
How the Content Pipeline Works Introduction This tutorial discusses how the Content Pipeline works in detail. Before going through this tutorial, it might be a good idea to go through the tutorial on managing content in an XNA game if you haven’t already. While our main goal here is simply to discuss how the Content Pipeline works, in a future tutorial, we will discuss how you can add on to the Content Pipeline.