Particle Systems
11 Sep 2021
Particle Systems
Additive Sprites
10 Sep 2021
Additive Sprites Introduction In this tutorial, we will look at how to do additive blending with sprites. We will start off by looking at what additive blending is, and how it works. Then, we will set up a simple XNA game that does additive blending. If you haven’t looked over the tutorials about sprite batches in XNA, you should take a look at that first to get going. Blending and Additive Blending In computer graphics, the term blending comes up frequently.
Rotating Sprites
10 Sep 2021
Rotating Sprites Introduction In previous tutorials, we’ve seen how to draw sprites. Now we will look at the next step in drawing sprites. In this tutorial, we will see how to rotate sprites. It turns out, once you know the basic way of drawing sprites, drawing sprites that are rotated is actually quite easy. Preparing the Content As usual, our first step is to get the content that we want. For this tutorial, we just need one simple image.
Drawing Text
9 Sep 2021
Drawing Text Overview In many games, there are times where we want to draw text on the screen, along with other image sprites, or 3D stuff. The XNA framework has made it very easy to do this with a class they call the SpriteFont class, coupled with the SpriteBatch class that we saw in the previous tutorial. In this tutorial, we will make a game that draws some text on the screen.
Texture Atlases
9 Sep 2021
Texture Atlases
Introduction to 2D Graphics
8 Sep 2021
Introduction to 2D Graphics XNA Overview In the next few tutorials, we will be taking a look at 2D graphics. 2D graphics can be very useful in game programming. In addition to the fact that we can make games that are completely 2D, knowing how to do 2D graphics can add a great deal to 3D games with very little effort. 2D graphics are used for splash screens, menus, and HUDs (Heads-up Displays), among other things.
SpriteBatch Basics
8 Sep 2021
SpriteBatch Basics Overview In this tutorial, we will take a look at the core feature of 2D drawing: the SpriteBatch class. The SpriteBatch class can do lots of things. This tutorial will not cover everything that the SpriteBatch class can do, but just get us going with it. During this tutorial, we will learn how to draw sprites on the screen. For this tutorial, we will assume that you are starting with a brand new project, but it is pretty easy to add this code into an existing project that you are already working on.