These tutorials cover the basics of doing 2D stuff, like drawing text and images, as well as 2D animation, and some fancy effects in 2D. After you have completed these tutorials, you should be able to make some pretty interesting 2D games with MonoGame. 2D stuff is also used in 3D games, so this is a good place to start learning MonoGame.
Introduction to 2D Graphics
20 Oct 2021
Introduction to 2D Graphics Overview In the next few tutorials, we will be taking a look at 2D graphics. 2D graphics are an important element of game programming. In addition to the fact that we can make games that are completely 2D, knowing how to do 2D graphics can add a great deal to 3D games with very little effort. 2D graphics are used for splash screens, menus, and HUDs (Heads-up Displays), among other things.